вівторок, 19 січня 2016 р.

Need a book. Books are our friends.
Цілі уроку: Повторити і активізувати лексику теми.
           Ознайомити учнів із новою лексикою та закріпити її в усному мовленні.
           Тренувати учнів у читанні.
           Формувати навички діалогічного мовлення.
           Ознайомити учнів із правилами вживання спонукальних речень у непрямій  мові.
           Практикувати учнів у письмі.
           Розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію учнів, довготривалу та оперативну пам'ять, культуру спілкування.
           Виховувати любов до літератури як культурної спадщини та джерела знань.
Обладнання: Підручник, робочий зошит, ТЗН(магнітофон), картки для роботи в парах і для роботи в групах, таблиці з граматичними правилами.

Методи навчання: наочний, словесний, репродуктивний, творчий.

Хід уроку.

І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення
1. Greeting.
T: Good morning, everyone. I’m glad to see you. How are you getting on?
Ps: Good morning, teacher. We are glad to see you, too. We are fine, thank you.
2. Aim.
T: They say: “Knowledge is power”. It is the main theme of our lesson. And now read the riddle and say what it is about.
             The field is white,
             Black is the seed,
             The man who sows it,
             Is clever indeed.
Ps: It is a book.
T: Right you are. A book is a main source of knowledge.  Today we are going to speak about the role of literature in our life, about the books we like to read and about the places we can take books from. We’ll also learn some grammar rules connected with reported speech. Look at the blackboard please and read the quotations by famous people on books.
1. The book to read is not the one which thinks for you, but the one which makes you think.
James Mc Cosh
2. A book is like a garden carried in the pocket.
                Chinese Proverb
3. Books, I believe, may be delivered into three groups:
               - books to read                                                     
               - books to re – read
               - books not to read at all.                     
4. Reading is to the mild what exercise is to the body.
                                                                                          Sir Richard Steel.

5. Reading is a vital form of communication with all of mankind and wisdom of many ages.
Olzhas Suleymanov
6. Be as careful of the book you read, as to the company you keep.
Paxton Hood
T: What quotations do you like best? Why?
Proverbs and sayings.
Choose an author as you choose a friend.
Don’t judge a book by its cover.
A room without books is a body without soul.
There is no friend so faithful as a good book.
Like author, like book.
T: What proverbs and sayings do you like best? Why?
3. Check up Homework. 
 Pupils put the sentences in the right order, and read the text on the theme “Books in
our life”  
P1: Books play a very important role in my life. I should say I am simply a bookworm. Books educate people, enrich their intellect. They bring pleasure and delight. I consider that books are with us during all our life. I prefer to read books on science. I enjoy a great variety of encyclopedias. I like a book I can read it again and again. It’s a wonderful way on spending spare time. The book is a faithful and understanding friend.
P2: Books play a very important role in my life too. They teach the readers to be truthful, friendly, honest, careful, fair and serious, and help them to express their feelings and thoughts. Books shouldn’t be read only for pleasure. Reading books helps us in our education. Our family has got many books. All members of our family buy books and read them. Books are worth reading!
4. Warming up.
    Work in groups. You’re given cards. Put the words with their definitions.
   Stories, novel, poems, plays in the books.                                         a) Literature
   A place where the books for borrowing are kept.                               b) Library
   A person who writes books.                                                             c) Author
   A written account of events and people, either imagined or real.         d) Story
   A story about the life in the future often describing space travel
   and life on other planets.                                                                e) Science fiction
   A story which describes some events in history.                             f) Historical novel
   A story which describes some crime events.                                   g) Detective story
   People, described in a story or a novel.                                           h) Characters

ІІ. Основна частина уроку

1.     Phonetic exercise.

T: Please, say after me and then you’ll listen to the text.
       an imagination – уява
       truthful – правдивий
       true – to – life –  реалістичний
       to hold smb’s  attention (interest) привертати чиюсь увагу (інтерес, тощо.)
       right after smthвідразу після чогось

2.     Listening. Ex.1 p.36
 T: Pupils, listen to the dialogue in the tape recorder.
3.     Reading.
 T: Read in pairs, please. (Pupils read).
T: Read and say if the statements are true or false. (Ex.2 p.37)
T: Answer the questions, please.   
 - Do you like reading?
 - Where you take books for reading from?
 - Do you think that reading is a waste of time?
 - Do you read books regularly?
 - Do you buy books in the shops?
 - What kind of books they prefer to read?
 - Whose advice you ask for to choose a book for reading?
 - Who your favourite writers are?
4. Presenting Grammar. Using Imperative sentences into Indirect Speech.
Remember! When orders and requests are changed into indirect speech, the Imperative. Mood is replaced by the infinitive and the reporting verb to say is replaced by to ask, to tell, to order or their synonyms.
              Direct Speech                                                        Indirect Speech
       “Switch the light off.”                              My mum told me to switch the light off.
       “Don’t argue with me.”                           She told me not to argue with her.
       “Please, go to the library.”                      He asked me to go to the library.
       “Please, don’t go away.”                         She asked him not to go away.

 1. Work in pairs.
  T: Now work in pairs. You’re given cards with Direct Speech and Indirect Speech. Find and read them.        
“Open the window, John”, mother said. -        Mother told John to open the window.
“Tell me the time, please, Ben”, Linda said. -   Linda asked Ben to tell her the time.
“Please, don’t close the door”, she said. -       She asked not to close the door.
“Go and wash your face, Ron”,Molly said.-    Molly told Ron to go and wash his                                                                         face.

T: I say the sentences in Direct Speech and you’ll write into Indirect Speech.
- Take your pens, pupils. (The teacher told the children to take their pens.)
- Boys, stop talking, please. (The teacher asked boys to stop talking.)
- Girls, listen to the poem, please. (The teacher asked girls to listen to the poem.)

5. Reading the Poem. Ex.2 p.37
                                                     Since books are friends,
                                                     They need much care.
 When you’re reading them,
                                                     Be good to them and fair.
                                                     Use book – marks,
                                                     To hold your place,
                                                     And don’t turn a book
                                                     Upon its clear face.
Remember, children, then:
                                                     Books are meant to read,
                                                     Not cut or colour them.
                                                     No, really never indeed!
                                                                                       B. Walker
T: What is it about?
P:  This poem about books and take care of them.
T: I see that you like reading books. Do you remember library rules? Let’s name them.
   Rules for the readers.
1. Wash hands before reading a book.
2. Don’t write anything on the pages with a pen or a pencil.
3. Don’t make drawings in the book.
4. Don’t make dog’s ears in the book.
5. Don’t tear the pages.
  6.Don’t lose books. It means that you lose your friends.

6. Role – play conversation pupil with librarian.
L: Good morning! How do you do? You have come to exchange book.
P: Yes, I have. Could you recommend something interesting?
L: Of course I can. What do you like to read?
P: I am interested in everything: fiction, history, travel books…
L: Do you like fairy tales? I can recommend to you this collection of fairy tales by Oscar Wilde.
P: I think I’ll choose this book right away. Thank you very much for your kind advice.
L: You are welcome. Bye!
T: Make up true sentences and read them. Ex.3 p.37
8. Test yourself. Find the words.
Dictionary - a book that contains a list of the words in a language in the order of the alphabet and that tells you what they mean.
Literature - writing that is considered to be a work of art.
Textbook - a book that teaches a particular subject and that is used especially in      schools.
Atlas - a book of maps.
Novel - a book that tells a story about people and events that are not real.
Cookbook - a book that gives instructions on cooking and contains recipes.
Catalogue - a list of all the things that you can buy, see, etc. somewhere.
Guidebook - a book that gives information about a place to tourists or people who are travelling.
Leaflet - a printed piece of paper that is given free to advertise or give information about st.
Biography - the story of sb’s life written by sb else.
9. Word search.

   ІII. Завершальна частина уроку.
T: Prepare your own dialogues for developing speaking skills on the theme “Books are our friends”.
T: Today you have learned a lot of new things: new vocabulary, grammar rules, and a lot of information about books.

Need a book. Books are our friends.