Виховна робота



Mother's Day celebration.
Початкова школа (3-4 кл.)
Пелещак А.А.,Капустинська ЗОШ,Збаразький р-н,Тернопільська обл.
1. Підвищення інтересу до вивчення англійської мови, а також культурних традицій країн.
2. Розширення світогляду учнів.
3. Створення додаткових умов спілкування учнів на англійській мові.
4. Розвиток навичок вимови та усного мовлення, аудіювання.
1.Виховування любові та поваги до своєї матері.
2.Формування національної свідомості в поліетничному середовищі.
3.Виховування доброзичливого ставлення до культури інших країн.
4.Виховування культури поведінки та вміння співпрацювати один з одним.
5.Зміцнення зв’язків між класним керівником, батьками та учнями.
1.Розвиток творчих здібностей учнів.
2.Формування та розвиток навчально-інтелектуальних навичок та вмінь.
3.Розвиток пам’яті, уваги, уяви.
Teacher: Dear students and guests! Today we celebrate Mother’s Day. You are welcome to our party! We have invited you to celebrate Mother’s Day! You know that on the second Sunday we have. At first I’d like to pay your attention to the words on the board.
words: mother, mom, mummy, grandmother, granny, the dearest person, special, tender,industrious, kinnd-hearted, generous, faithful, reliable, sociable, serious, pretty, attractive, charming, take care of, look after, cook meals, in a good mood, lullaby.
Teacher: Now I want you to tell some words about your moms or grannies. Students show the pictures of their moms and grannies and tell about them in such way: My mom is pretty. She takes care of me and family. She cooks meals. My dearest person is always in good mood. I love my mom very much.
Teacher: Dear children! I offer you to make the holiday cards for your moms and grannies. (the students make cards and write down the poem.

Love you, mummy, very much. So here’s one big kiss for a special person. Who’s reading this!
Pupil 1: Our dear mothers, guests and teachers! Today is not an ordinary day; it is Mother’s Day of our beloved mothers.
Pupil 2: To each of us our mother is the dearest person. She is with us when we are small children and she is always ready to help then we become older!
Pupil 1: We wish you good health, happiness and love.
“M” is for the million things she gave me.
“O” means only that she’s growing old.
“T” is for the tears she shed to save me.
“H” is for her heart of purest gold.
“E” is for hear eyes, with love light shining.
“R” means right, and right she’ll always be.
Put them all together; they spell “MOTHER”, a word that means the world to me.
Pupil 2: Mother is the name of all things which are dearest to people. Nothing can be great for you than your mother. Please, show your mothers how great your love is. It will the best present to them.
In the happy month of May
Little children like to play,
They all dance and sing and say,
Welcome, welcome Mother’s Day.
I love my dear Mummy!
I love her very much!
And do you love your Mummy?
Of course, and very much!
The sun is so bright today,
Because it’s Mother’s Day.
The sky is blue today,
Because it’s Mother’s Day.
And we are now so gay,
Because it’s Mother’s Day.
Pupil 1: Oh, our mother! What can they be? Farmers and workers, doctors and teachers, they can be deputies of the Supreme Rada. Let’s have a talk about your mother’s professions.

A play “What is your mother?”
Mark: What is your mother, Ann?
Ann: Guess what she does? When my mother goes to work, she sees many boys and girls. She likes her work, she likes her little children. She is happy to see them. The children are happy to see my mother too.
Mark: Oh, I see. She is a doctor. And her children are her patients.
Ann: No, no, she is not a doctor. Her little boys and girls are  not ill. They like to sing and play the violin.
Mark: Oh, I see. Your mother is… your mother is a musician.
Ann: Yes, that’s right, Mark.
A song “I want a mom
I want a mom that will last forever,
I want a mom to make it all better
I want a mom that will last forever
I want a mom who love me whatever
I want a mom to take my hand
And make me feel like a holiday
A mom to tuck me in at night
And chase the monsters away
I want a mom to read me stories
And sing a lullaby
And if I have a bad dream, to hold me when I cry
Oh, I want a mom that will last forever
I want a mom to make it all better
I want a mom that will last forever
I want a mom that will love me whatever, forever
And when she says to me that she'll always be there
To watch and protect me, I don't have to be scared
O, and when she says I will always love you,
I don't need to worry cause I'll know that it's true
I want a mom when I get lonely, to take the time to play
A mom who can be a friend and find a rainbow when it gray
I want a mom to read me stories and sing a lullaby
And if I find a bad dream, to hold me when I cry
The competition “Do you know your mom well?”
·       What is your mom’s maiden name?
·       Where was your mom born?
·       What present does your mom prefer?
·       What colour are your mom’s eyes?
·       Does your mom like animals?
·       What perfume does your mom like?
·       What does your mom like to do about the house?
·       Does your mom like modern music?
·       Who is her favourite singer?
·       What is your mom’s favourite meal?
Song “My dear, dear Mummy”
My dear, dear Mummy,
Let me kiss your face,
I want you to be happy
Today and always!
Be happy, be happy
Today and always!
Be happy, be happy
Today and always!
The fairy-tale «Cinderella»
Сharacters: Cinderella, stepmother ( Lady Sybil), stepsisters Liz and Pat, Father (Lord Basil), prince, postman, guard, fairy, guests.
Scene I
Author: This is the story of Cinderella. She is a beautiful girl. She hasn’t got a mother. Her father has got the second wife now, and she is Cinderella’s stepmother. She is a horrible woman. She has got two daughters, Pat and Liz. They are Cinderella’s stepsisters.
Cinderella:    Good morning, Daddy, dear!
Father:          Good morning, my child! How are you today?
Cinderella:    Fine, Daddy. And  you?
Father:          Oh, I am OK. But  my child …
Cinderella:     Yes, Daddy?
 (Lady Sybil enters.)
Lady Sybil:  Cinderella, what are you doing? You are not working.
Father:        But…
Lady Sybil:  Work, girl, work. Make breakfast. I am hungry. I want my toast, jam, cheese and a cup of tea.
Cinderella:    Yes, stepmother.
Lady Sybil:  And you, Basil, what are you doing? Helping the girl?
Father:        Er… no..
Lady Sybil:  My daughters are coming down and they want their breakfast too.
(Pat enters.)
Cinderella:    Good morning, sister!
Pat: Good morning, Mummy, dear!

Lady Sybil:  How are you today, Pat, dear?
Pat: Terrible, terrible.
Lady Sybil:  Oh, dear.
(Liz enters.)
Cinderella:    Good morning, sister!
Lady Sybil:  Good morning, my child!
Liz: Morning!
Lady Sybil:  How are you today?
Liz: Terrible.
Lady Sybil:  Oh, dear. You too?
Liz: Oh, my head, my teeth…
Lady Sybil:  Cinderella! Where is my breakfast? I am hungry and thirsty. I want two eggs, pudding, two cups of tea with milk and sugar, six pieces of toast…
Liz: I want a cup of coffee… Oh, my head…
Pat: with cheese.
Liz: Coffee. Black. No sugar. I want my breakfast now. Cinderella! Oh, my head…
Pat: And an apple.
Cinderella: Yes, sisters. Yes, sisters.
Scene 2
Lady Sybil:  We’ll go to the ball today. What shall we wear, I wonder! We haven’t got new clothes. And I want some new clothes for the ball. I want a party dress.
Pat: And me too. I want a beautiful white evening dress. And I want a blue hat and white shoes.
Liz: And me too. I want a beautiful blue evening dress. And I want a white hat and blue shoes.
Cinderella: And me too. I can’t wear these old clothes. I want some new clothes.
Stepmother and stepsisters together: You?..
Cinderella:  Yes, me.
Lady Sybil:  You can’t go to the ball.
Liz and Pat: You? You can’t go to the ball.
Postman: Oh, yes, she can. Look here. The letter says: “To Lord basil and Lady Sybil and their three daughters.”/
Lady Sybil: Oh no, she can’t.
Postman: Oh, yes, she can.
Lady Sybil:  Oh, yes, she can.
Liz and Pat: What?
Lady Sybil:  Oh, yes, she can. Thank you, postman, goodbye. Cinderella, you can go to the ball. But first there’s some work for you to do. Make beds, go to the shop and buy food and drink, make tea, wash my clothes…
Pat: Wash my clothes
Liz: And my clothes
Lady Sybil:  And only then you can make your dress for the ball.
Cinderella: oh no. I can’t do all that today. How can I go to the ball now? Who can help me?
(Fairy enters.)
Fairy: I can help you, Cinderella.
Cinderella: But who are you?
Fairy: I am your fairy godmother, Cinderella. I know you want to go to the ball. Don’t worry about your work. Look, here is your dress and a carriage. Be ready to go to the ball. But remember – you must be back home before 12 o’clock!
Cinderella: Oh, yes, yes. Thank you. Thank you very much, my fairy godmother!
Scene 3
There are a lot of people at the ball. Cinderella is dancing with the Prince. She is very happy. But it is one minute to 12 o’clock and Cinderella has.

Pupil 2: I smile when I think of my mother’s hands. Honest hands. Giving hands. Working hands. Praying hands. Strong hands. Loving hands. Holding unto dreams and faith.
The Scene of the pantomime.
God gave us mother’s hands:
*hands to love;
*hands to help;
*hands to protect;
*hands to avoid troubles.
Song of Steve Wonder “I JUST CALLED TO SAY I LOVE YOU…”
Poems about Mother.
One, one, one – I love the sun.
Two, two, two – I love my Mummy, too.
Three, three, three – My Mummy loves me.
Four, four, four – I love her more and more.
I count from one, - I love the sun.
I count to four – I love my Mummy more!

Tip, tip, toe – Here we go
Tip, tip, toe – Quiet and slow
Tip, tip, top – Acros the floor
Tip, tip, toe – By Mother’s door.

Pupil 1: To each of us mother is the dearest person. She is near us when we are small children and she is always ready to help us when we become older!
Pupil 2:  “MOTHER” means Kindness,
               “MOTHER” means Patience and Happiness too,
               “MOTHER” means  sharing and,
               “MOTHER” means caring,
               “MOTHER” means all this, 
                For “MOTHER” means you!
A song «Многая літа»

Pupil 1: All is well that ends well.
               And now, dear teachers,
               And our guests, we’d like
               To say to you a few words too
               Because our party is coming to an end.
Pupil 2: We wish you to have the whole world in your hands.
               We wish you a need of a song in your lands.
               We wish you to follow your stars in your life.
               We wish you to have pupils love.



Виховний захід у школі.
New Year's Party!
Цілі заходу: ознайомити учнів із традиціями та історією святкування Нового року; вдосконалювати мовленнєві навички учнів; розвивати в учнів цікавість до вивчення іноземної мови; прививати любов до народної творчості.
Обладнання: декорації, костюми та музичний супровід.
Хід уроку.
І. Організаційний момент.
T: Dear friends! Our pupils and I are pleased to see you at our holiday. Well pupils, look around the hall, please! Everything around is very beautiful! There are nice wall newspapers, New Year tree. We are as in a fairy – tale, in a majestic atmosphere of New Year. It is winter now, everything around is covered with snow. Everybody buys and decorates a New Year tree and what about you? Have you bought  a New Year tree?
P: Yes, I have bought already.
T: Do you like to decorate your New Year tree? Children what do you like to get as a present? (відповіді дітей).
II. Основна частина уроку.
T: What poems do you know about winter? About New Year?
Ps: 1. New Year Day a happy day.
         We are all glad and very gay!
         We all dance and sing and say,
       “Welcome! Welcome! New Year Day!”
                                                                 2. We have a fir – tree in the hall!
                                                            It is so beautiful and tall!
                                                                  Around it we dance and play
                                                                    Because it is a New Year Day.
    3. Snowflakes fall on trees and walk.
        Snowflakes fall as white as chalk.
        Snowflakes fall into my hand.
        Snowflakes brighten up our land.

           The girl sings a song.
Happy New Year!
We are happy,
Come and see.
Look at our
Christmas Tree!
Look at Santa –
Teddy Bear.
Marry Christmas!
Happy New Year!

 Decorating the New Year Tree.
T: Now we have the competitions “Decorating the New Year Tree”.
У залі стоять дві коробки і ялинка. Учень від кожної команди підходить, бере іграшку, називає її англійською мовою й вішає на ялинку. Якщо учень забув слово, йому допомагає команда. Команда, яка переможе, отримає приз.
Монологічне мовлення. (легенда про новий рік).
Winter tale.
    Everybody knows how we wait for the New Year. We are waiting, for it in our childhood and when we are grown – ups. We are waiting for the New Year tree, frozen windows and Father Frost with his presents and Christmas songs. We are waiting for real winter tale, for future hopes and happiness.
 We are hurrying up in streets, looking for presents for our relatives and friends. We pass by the shining shop – windows, by the lightning streets houses and fir – tree. We hope such a holiday will be the whole next year. Everybody will be healthy and happy and will have no problems at all.
   Now the presents are bought, the flat is cleaned and decorated with tinsel, pictures, balls and lovely fairy heroes. It is supposed that you can see baubles, fairy lights and different toys on the fir – tree. Father Frost and Snow Maiden are in their place. And at last this magic night, mysterious darkness with the candles on the table, the stroke of the chimes, opened windows and… the New Year, in nearly new life. So, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
T: And now to your attention a fairy – tale “Mitten”.
Author: Hello, everybody! Now I’ll tell you a fine fairy – tale. Listen, please. The grandfather went to the forest ant lost his mitten. The mouse saw it and said.
Mouse: Here I’ll live!
Author: And soon the frog jumps and asks.
Frog: Who lives in this mitten?
Mouse: I do. I am a Mouse, and who are you?
Frog: I am a Frog. May I live with you?
Mouse: Yes, you may! Come in, please!
Author: And soon the hare runs and asks.
Hare: Who lives in this mitten?
Mouse: We live here! I am a Mouse.
Frog: I am a Frog. And who are you?
Hare: I am a Hare. May I live with you?
Mouse: Yes, you may. Let’s live together.
Author: And soon the fox runs to the mitten and asks.
Fox: Who, who lives in this mitten?
Mouse: I am a Mouse.
Frog: I am a Frog.
Hare: I am a Hare. And who are you?
Fox: I am a Fox. May I live with you?
Hare: Yes, you may. Come in, please.
Author: They started to live together.
Wolf: Who, who lives in this mitten?
Mouse: I am a Mouse.
Frog: I am a Frog.
Hare: I am a Hare.
Fox: I am a Fox. And who are you?
Wolf: I am a Wolf. May I live with you?
Fox: Yes, you may. Climb into our mitten!
Author: And soon a bear goes very slowly, sees the mitten and says.
Bear: Who, who lives in this mitten?
Mouse: I am a Mouse.
Frog: I am a Frog.
Hare: I am a Hare.
Fox: I am a Fox.
Wolf: I am a Wolf. And who are you?
Bear: And I am a Bear. May I live with you?
Fox: We don’t have any place in the mitten! But okey, let’s live together.
Author: Suddenly, the grandfather began to look for his mitten and the dog ran, saw it and said “Bark – Bark!” and all the animals were afraid of him and ran away. The grandfather took the mitten and went home, and all the animals stayed to live in the forest.
P: New Year is a great holiday in our country. Everybody likes it very much. It is especially loved by little children. This holiday is considered to be a family holiday. It is usually celebrated at home among the members of the family. People decorate their houses and usually have a fir-tree which stands in the corner of the room. Those fir-trees are very beautiful. The presents are usually put under these trees. Our parents prepare to this holiday well. They buy a New Year tree, decorate it, buy a lot of tasty food and drinks. At twelve o’clock in the night people can see the president on TV which addresses them with traditional words of congratulation. At this time people are sitting at the tables to their holiday dinner and enjoy it in a good company. Young people usually organize a dance party and have a lot of fun.
T: Guess the riddles.
1.    We are the twelve little men
    Who make the year go,
Starting over again.
We are the twelve little men –
Do you remember them? –
Making sunshine and snow.
We are the twelve little men
Who make the year go.
                                    (twelve months)

2.    The little old woman has twelve children:
Some short, some long, some cold, some hot. Who is she?
                                                                              (a year)
   3. Now what comes in and then goes out,
       And yet you never see it here?
       You’ll guess this riddle without a doubt –
       Why, yes, the young…!
                                           (New Year)
4.    You can’t hear me, but you can see me all around;
Falling softly from the sky, I’m white upon the ground.
5.    He comes at night (or so they say!)
Then does his job and goes away.
6.    It’s white and cold and sweet,
All children and adults like it.
                             (ice – cream)
T: All right. And now sing a song “Jingle bells”.
Dashing through the snow
In a one – horse open sleigh,
Over the fields we go,
Laughing all the way.
Bells on bob – tail ring
Making spirits bright.
What fun it is to ride and sing
A sleighing song tonight.
Jingle bells. Jingle bells.
Jingle all the way.
Oh! What fun it is to ride
In a one – horse open sleigh! Oh!
   Jingle bells. Jingle bells.
Jingle all the way.
Oh! What fun it is to ride
In a one – horse open sleigh! Hey!
P1: Winter is snowy,
       Winter is frosty.
       The ground is white
       All day and all night.
P2:  It is winter, it is cold.
        Father Frost is very old.
        But he is always full of  joy
        And glad to give me a nice toy.
T: Game «Зачароване письмо»
Учитель пропонує і роздає учням прочитати невеликі тексти на картках, у яких відсутні інтервали між словами, знаки пунктуації, великі літери. Учні читають мовчки, а потім – уголос.
 Приклад на тему «Зима».
P: It’s winter, it’s winter,
     Let us skate and ski!
     It’s winter, it’s winter,
     It’s great fun for me!
                   Singing, dancing merrily
                   Round the New Year’s Tree.
                   Merrily, merrily, merrily
                   Round the New Year’s Tree.
This is the season
When morning are dark
And birds do not sing
In the woods and the park.
This is the season
When children ski
And Father Frost
Brings the New Year tree.

T: All children sing a song “O, Christmas Tree! O, Christmas Tree!”

1.    O, Christmas Tree! O, Christmas Tree!
Thy leaves are so unchanging,
    O, Christmas Tree! O, Christmas Tree!
Thy leaves are so unchanging,
Not only green when summer’s here,
But also when it is cold and drear
    O, Christmas Tree! O, Christmas Tree!
Thy leaves are so unchanging;
     2. O, Christmas Tree! O, Christmas Tree!
Much pleasure thou can’t give me,
         O, Christmas Tree! O, Christmas Tree!
Much pleasure thou can’t give me,
How often has the Christmas Tree,
Afforded me the greatest glee!
         O, Christmas Tree! O, Christmas Tree!
Much pleasure thou can’t give me;
     3. O, Christmas Tree! O, Christmas Tree!
Thy candles shine so brightly,
O, Christmas Tree! O, Christmas Tree!
Thy candles shine so brightly,
From base to summit, gay and bright,
There’s only splendor for the sight,
         O, Christmas Tree! O, Christmas Tree!
Thy candles shine so brightly,
    4.  O, Christmas Tree! O, Christmas Tree!
         How richly God has decked thee!
         O, Christmas Tree! O, Christmas Tree!
         How richly God has decked thee!
         Thou bidst us true and faithful be,
         And trust in God unchangingly
         O, Christmas Tree! O, Christmas Tree!
         How richly God has decked thee!

T:  Now the show is over. We have learnt a lot about New Year traditions. Did you like our party? Come to us next year! 

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