Позакласна робота

Ukraine is the best of all.

Blue sky and yellow field of grain
Is on the flag of my Ukraine.
Its emblem speaks to all the world
With FREEDOM - such a lovely word.
Bread - salt will give to a friendly guest
Ukrainian people without request.
They work and sing the song of praise
To God who's able from ash to raise.
Ukraine rejoice in the Lord
Reviving from His mighly Word
Forever lives who's born again.
Long live and pray, my land Ukraine!

Ukrainian Anthem.

The Ukrainian anthem, "Ukraine Has Not Yet Perished", is of quite recent origin. In Western Ukraine after 1848 there were usually two songs which enjoyed popularity at national celebrations and patriotic demonstrations. One was by the Basilian Father Julian Dobrylovsky (1760-1825) – "Grant, Oh, Lord, in Good Time" – and the other, the verse of Ivan Hushalevych - (1325-1903) – "We Bring You Peace, Brothers". In 1848 the latter was rec¬ognized by The Supreme Ruthenian Council in Lviv as the national anthem of the Galician Ukrainians. The Carpatho-Ukrainians, on occasion of popular celebration, sang the song by Alexander Dukhovych (1803-65) – "I Was, Am and Will be a Busyn (Ruthenian)". In the central and eastern Ukrainian lands the "Testament" of Taras Shevchenko was used for many years as a national anthem at manifestations and demonstrations. It was called the Ukrainian "Marseillaise". In 1863 the Lviv journal "The Goal" published the poem of Paul Chubynsky (1839-84), "Ukraine Has Not Yet Perished", which was mistakenly ascribed to Taras Shevchenko. In the same year it was set to music by the Galician composer Michael Verbytsky (1815-70), first for solo and later choral performance.
This song, as a result of its catchy melody and patriotic text, rapidly became popular and gained broad acceptance among the Galician population as well as among the Ukrainians within the Russian empire. In 1917 it was officially adopted as the anthem of the Ukrainian state.

Declaration on State Sovereignty of Ukraine.

   The Declaration on State Sovereignty of Ukraine was adopted by the Ukrainian SSR Supreme Soviet on July, 16, 1990. This day is marked annually as , the Day of Proclamation of Ukraine's Idependence.
The Supreme Soviet of Ukraine SSR, voicing the will of the people of Ukraine, king to create a democratic society, proceeding from the need to fully secure human rights and freedoms, respecting the national rights of all the peoples, concerned for the sound political, economic, social and spiritual development of the people of Ukraine, recognizing the necessity of building a state founded on law, proclaims the state sovereignty of Ukraine as regards precedence, independence, and indivisibility of the absolute power of the republic within the boundaries of her territory as well as the independence and equality of her rights in foreign relations.Ukraine as a sovereign state shall develop within her existing borders on the basis of the exercise by the Ukrainian nation of its inalieble right to self-determination.
The sovereignty of the people of Ukraine shall be exercised on the basis of the Constitution of Ukraine both directly and through people’s deputies, elected to the Supreme and local Soviets of the State.State power in the state will be exercised on the principle of its division into legislative, executive, and judicial branches. Ukraine will ensure the equality of all citizens of the state before the law irrespective of their origin, social and property status, race and nationality, sex, education, language, political views, religious convictions, occupation, place of residence, and other circumstances. It will protect and defend the interests of its citizens beyond the borders of the state. The people of Ukraine will have the exclusive right to own, use and administer Ukraine's national wealth. Ukraine will provide for the ecological security of citizens of the gene pool of its people, and its young generation. Ukraine will have the right to its own armed forces. Citizens of Ukraine will serve, as a rule on its territory and may not be used for military purpose beyond its borders without the sanction of the Supreme Soviet of Ukraine. Ukraine will maintain direct relations with other states, conclude with them agreements and participate in the activities of international organizations.                                                                       
Coat of Arms.
The national emblems – the coat of arms, the flag, and the anthem – alternated during the millennium of Ukrainian history owing to various political, social, cultural, and other factors. The contemporary national coat of arms of Ukraine, Azure, a trident or, is the most ancient as well as the most dignified of all the Ukrainian insignia of nationwide significance and its emblazonment represents a synthesis of a preheraldic device of the ruling dynasty in the tenth century and of the oldest Ukrainian national heraldic tinctures from the 13th century. The classic form of the Ukrainian trident is found on the gold and silver coins of Volodymyr the Great (979-1015), the Grand Prince of Kyiv. The origin and of the original meaning of the Ukrainian trident have still not been solved by scholars. The archaeological finds of tridents in Ukraine go back to the first century A. D. Undoubtedly this emblem was a mark of authority and a mystic symbol of one or of several of the ethnic groups which inhabited ancient Ukrainian territory and which came to compose the Ukrainian nation. The trident became a heraldic badge of all of medieval Ukraine and in almost every generation it underwent certain augmentations (e. g., more crosslets, crescents, pearls), and there are cases where the trident passed into a bident and vice versa. Tridents and bidents are found on many objects of that period: coins, stones, and bricks of significant buildings (palaces, castles, cathedrals, etc.), armor, seals, jewelry, ceramics, manuscripts. As a result of archaeological excavations and studies, the number of specimens of the trident, in various forms, has increased and stands now at about 200. During the 12th century, the image of Saint Michael the Archangel superseded the trident as the highest national device, but tridents continued to be used by ruling houses as additional dynastic badges until the 15th century. After the renascence of independent Ukraine on January 22,1918, the trident was adopted, by a law of March 22,1918, as the national device of the Ukrainian National Republic. It was adopted in the form of a Great and a Small Coat of Arms representing the classic trident of Volodymyr the Great in an ornamental wreath. Distinctive banners and standards were borne by ancient Ukrainian rulers and their armies through the entire period of the medieval monarchy. Red was the most frequent color (gules was also the tincture of the Ukrainian knightly shields of the twelfth century); blue and white were used also, but yellow rarely appeared. The most frequent bearings were stars, crescents, crosses, and dynastic devices. Crosses, tridents, bidents, heads of spears, and other emblems ornated the tops of flag staffs. In the middle of the 19th century, when the national revolutions marked the course of European history, the necessity arose for a visible symbol of the self determination of the Ukrainian nation. Seeking inspiration in the glorious historical past, the Supreme Rada in Lviv, reviving in 1848 the coat of arms of the former kingdom (Azure, the lion rampant or), simultaneously accepted the armorial tinctures as the combination of national colors of Ukraine. Both, the light blue flag charged with the golden crowned lion and the horizontally stripped flag (yellow above light blue substituting the charge and the escutcheon of the national coat of arms) were used at that time and the latter soon became the national flag in Galicia as well as all over Ukraine. The composition of national colors was decreed by a law of the independent Ukrainian National Republic on March 22, 1918.
The light blue above yellow flag was established for the Western Ukrainian National Republic on November 13, 1918, and for the Carpatho-Ukrainian Republic on March 15,1939, as a symbol of the all-Ukrainian unity. Both the yellow above light blue flag and the light blue above yellow flag were hoisted until 1949, and borne as military standards and colors during the Civil War of 1917-20. The light blue above yellow flag was provisionally confirmed by the Ukrainian National Rada in exile on June 27, 1949.


                                     Our Rights and Duties.

   Citizens of Ukraine have many rights. They have right to work, to choose their trade, profession or type of job, and to work in accordance with their abilities, training, and education. The right to rest and leisure is ensured by the establishment of a working week not exceeding 41 hours and holidays with full pay. Everyone is provided with free competent medical care. The students receive stipends while they study. Women and men have equal rights in all spheres of economic, government, cultural and political activities. Their contribution to accelerating the country's socio-economic progress is very great. We have duties as well, as rights, though. Citizen of Ukraine are obliged to observe our laws, to observe labour discipline, and to preserve and protect property. Citizen of Ukraine are obliged to safeguard the interests of independent Ukraine. Defence of Ukraine is the sacred duty of every citizen. Every young man at age of eighteen must join the army, for a year. There they are taught to defend themselves and to defend their country with military weapons. After leaving the army young men return to civilian life. They all will carry out their sacred duty to defend their families and their country when it is necessary by serving in the army. The students of higher educational establishments do not serve in the army.

   The 1st November – the Day of Western Ukrainian People’s                                                   Repablic.
On the 1st of November we celebrate a great holiday. It is the anniversary of the formation of the Western Ukrainian People's Republic (WUPR) with its capital in Lviv.
On this day in 1918 the National Rada addressed the people. It declared that the Ukrainian people were now free from oppression. They became the masters of their own land.
E. Petrushevich was the first president of the WUPR. Dmitro Vitovsky became secretary of State for defense. He was one of the brightest military commanders of the Ukrainian “Sichovy Striltsy” (USS). The USS was really the Ukrainian people's army.
Its fighters were glorious because of their truthfulness and devotion of the idea of sovereignty on their native land.
On the 1st of November "strilets" Stepan Pankivsky hoisted the blue and yellow banner over the town hall.
This great day was followed by many months of fierce fighting against the Polish army and its western allies. Then there were fightings both with and against Bolshevik army.
These heroic and tragic battles were glorified in the songs of the USS. These tongs have become a legend of glory, devotion, and tragedy.

Love and know your Native Land.
Musorivtsy is not far from Kapustyntsy. It is an ancient village from XVII century. It was named in honour of the rich head of this village- Musorova. Musorivtsy is rich for many ancient historical places. They are restore and active nowadays. The Church of Pokrova Presvatoi Bogorodytsy and the belfry are near by this church. They are built in 1746.The Church of Roman Catholic is there, but it is destroyed. It was built in XVII century too. The population of Musorivtsy is about 100 inhabitants. Musorivtsy belongs to Kapustyntsy’s Council of the village. There are ponds, shops and not high houses but they are nice.   The nature is fantastic beauty. One who has set his or her foot upon this village, one who has experienced fairy-tale charms of its nature in calmness and in riot cannot but retain those genuinely Divine impressions of sheer miracle for life. Each paradise corner with its primordial creation showers your soul with its beauty.
The mighty forests give you health and strong. You have the sensation as if of flying or floating in a boundless ocean of fantastic beauty. All drudgery of routine is behind and beyond! When you are in this forest, all you touch, hear or see charge you with salve balm of kindness and goodness. Even the most gifted artists, poets and writers fail to render this bounteous beauty of this village.
                       Wind tenderly rocks the wood,
                       Singing wondrous songs.
                       No mortal can ever render that,
                       No dream could be dreamt about that.
Set your step upon the land of the charmful these forests. There are many sightseeing in it too. Kapustyntsy is a tourist center for inhabitants of the region. Welcome to our village. 

Rest and leisure.

  We spend our rest in different ways. We like traveling and sightseeing in the village or in the town, where we spend our summer holidays. We visit museums, picture galleries, theatre in Ternopil and Zbarazh. Summer offers pupils the best resting opportunities. That’s why children look forward to their summer holidays all year round. If you have a good rest in summer you become healthy and strong and this helps you to be strong – willed enough in studying. You get a lot of impressions and excitement, you are full of joy, you may observe many things of the surrounding world with delight. It’s a poor life if you have no time to look around attentively with curiosity and interest, if we have no time to watch beautiful trees, woods, streams, stars in the sky. The nature is fantastic beauty. One who has set his or her foot upon this village, one who has experienced fairy – tale charms of its nature in calmness and in riot cannot but retain those genuinely Divine impressions of sheer miracle for life. Each paradise corner with its primordial creation showers your soul with its beauty. The mighty forests give you health and strength. You have the sensation as if flying or floating in a boundless ocean of fantastic beauty. All drudgery of routine is behind and beyond! When you are in this forest, all you touch, hear or see charge you with salve balm of kindness and goodness. Even the most gifted artists, poets and writers fail to render this bounteous beauty of this village.

My hobby is drawing.
Wall newspapers.

Завдання (ігри)  для конкурсів (вечорів).
1. Конверти із завданням.
-          Name 5 hobbies
-          Name 5 sports
-          Name the months of the year
-          Name 5 school subjects
-          Name the days of the week
-          Name 5 sorts of fruit
-          Say or sing the ABC
-          Name 4 seasons
-          Count from 10 to 20
-          Count from 1 to 10
-          Name 7 animals
-          Name 5 things in your classroom
-          Name 7 colours
-          Name the first day of the week

2. Капітани команди отримують картки зі словами. В словах змішані літери. Їх завдання: скласти слова та перекласти їх українською.
  1. lisheng (English)
  2. ndfrie (friend)
  3. bkoo (book)

  1. suimc (music)
  2. acef (face)
  3. ormo (room)              
  4. 3. Учні по черзі однієї  команди задають запитання іншій.
    1. What is the capital of Ukraine? Kyiv - is the capital of Ukraine.
    2. When is Halloween? Halloween is on the 31st of October.
    3. When do you celebrate Christmas in Ukraine? We celebrate Christmas on the 7th of January.
    4. What is the capital of Great Britain? London is the capital of Great Britain.
    5. What is the main river in Ukraine? Dniper is the main river in Ukraine.
    6. What is the capital of the USA? Washington is the capital of USA.
 4. Виберіть правильний варіант.
 1.When is Independence Day celebrated?   a) on 31st October  
   b) on 24th August c) on 14thNovember   
 2. How many states are there in the USA?   a) Fifty states.   
   b) Twenty states.   c) Forty states.  
 3. When do you celebrate New Year’s Day?a)on 25th December;       b) on 14th February;   c) on 1st January.
4. How many days are in the week?  a) 7;       b) 12;       c)  5.
      5.  Read, match and translate.
      1. The children like to make a snowman in …    a) autumn.
      2. The children can go swimming in …           b) all the seasons.
      3. You can play table tennis in …                       c) spring.
      4. There are a lot of vegetables in …                  d)  winter.
      5. Birds sing merrily in …                                    e) September.
      6. School starts in …                                            f) summer.
Гра «Хто  швидше»
Цю  гру  можна  застосовувати  якщо  учні  вже  знайомі  з  усіма  буквами  алфавіту. Вчитель  розкладає  на  столі  букви  англійського  алфавіту  зворотною  стороною. Учні  підходять  до  столу  та  витягають  яку-небудь  букву. Далі  учню  треба  назвати  слово  на  ту  букву,яку  витягнув.
Наприклад: Аа – apple, Bb – ball
Гра «Чия  команда  швидше»
Учні  поділяються  на  дві  команди  й  кожна  з  них  отримує  завдання. Першій  команді  необхідно  написати  букви  за  алфавітним  порядком  від  Aa  до  Mm, а  другій – від  Nn  до  Zz. Кожен  учень  по  черзі  пише  одну  букву  та  сідає  на  місце. Виграє  та  команда, учні  якої  виконають  завдання  правильно.
Гра «На  увагу»
Гра  проводиться  у  швидкому  темпі. Учням  потрібно:
·         Назвати  цифри  через  одну (1,3,5 …)
·         Зробити  зворотній  рахунок (10,9,8 …)
  Гра  «Правильний  та  неправильний  стілець»
Вчитель  ставить  біля  дошки  два  стільці.  Один  стілець  буде  «правильний»  а  інший – «неправильний». Учні  діляться  на  дві  команди  та  стають  у  два  ряди  навпроти  стільців. Вчитель  показує  малюнок  на  називає  слово. Якщо  назване  слово  відповідає  малюнку, кожен  із  представників  обох  команд  повинен  сісти  на  «правильний»  стілець.  Але  якщо  слово  названо  невірно, то  тоді  потрібно  сісти  на  «неправильний»  стілець. Бал  зараховується  тій  команді, учасник  якої  встиг  сісти   першим  на  вірний  стілець.
Гра «Назви  слово»
Учні  діляться  на  дві  команди. Вчитель  демонструє  картку  із  словосполученням. Кожен  гравець  повинен  назвати  якомога  більше  слів  із  цим  словосполученням. Перемагає  та  команда, гравці  якої   назвуть  найбільше  слів  разом.

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